Today I share with you my perception on how the movie industry can be a strong ally to any Coaching project.
It encourages us to stretch out of our comfort zones, just at the right amount, as it should be when it comes to training, development, and career and life improvements.
We know how difficult it is to keep our minds at ease and balanced in times of stress and under pressure. It is not uncommon for me, as a Business Coach – Leadership Career Specialist, to see professionals completely out of balance, sharing their lack of interest and engagement with their current career paths.
The fact is that, to truly discover your purpose in life and career, it may not be as easy as one would anticipate, but it becomes indispensable to the achievement of your happiness. In other words:
Why do you wake up every morning and get out of bed? What motivates you? What makes you truly happy? What makes you glow? What’s your true purpose in life and in your career? What would your answers be?
Before you reply to me, please take a deep breath, because if the answer is focused on money, as for example, “I work just to make ends meet”, or “I work to buy nice products because I have an upscale taste,” then I strongly suggest that you review, rethink, and reflect a lot about the subject. For your own good, your life must have a clear and defined purpose. But how? You might ask me.
The good news is that all of us, sooner or later, will come face to face with this decisive moment in our career and life, and then, the movie industry comes in handy.
For instance, in the movie The Shift, directed by Michael Goorjian and whose main actor is Wayne Dyer, valuable insights are presented into the purpose of our lives, addressing the importance of finding your essence, your true direction, and hence, your happiness. You can easily find the movie in YouTube.
For me, watching this movie some years ago was a defining moment in my career as a communicator, and every time I watch it, I see a new opportunity for me to adjust something in my own life and/or career. It is essential for me, because in addition to aligning with the dynamics of a Coaching process, which is always very transformational, it shifts your vision of something (of someone, or even of a situation), and makes you reflect more deeply.
Of course, each one of us have our own moments of life and career decisions to make, yet, setting aside the differences, I leave you here with this movie tip, and I do hope you enjoy it. Ah, and please drop me a line with your feedback after watching it, all right?
And finally, please know that I am not asking you to have it all figured out by the end of this movie session. But believe me…you, me, each one of us will live better and more happily surrounded by things, people and situations that energize us, fill us with good sensations, that make us vibrate higher and give us support and strength for hanging in there during times of turbulence. And who is immune to bad times in life? No doubt, between the highs and lows, it is life that flows, but having purpose in life and in your career, it will make all the difference. And on that, I must invite you: shall we?
Get your popcorn, turn off your cell phone and relax… because the session will begin. And then tell me, what’s your purpose? Are you living how you really want to? Have you landed at your destination yet? It is your call now!