Gratitude as a tool in high performance coaching

Gratitude increases your productivity. Really? You may think.
Recently I invited you to reflect on the practice of gratitude and the possibility of this daily exercise, as a support tool in a coaching process, assisting you to increase your productivity. I recorded the following video (please activate the CC icon for English subtitles) and promised you to bring more information about it, including references, on the subject:
That gratitude makes us more welcoming, more confident and more social, and that expressions of gratitude encourage pro-social behavior repeatedly in the future, many of us can agree on and, on that, several studies prove this statement.
Now, on the issue that the practice of gratitude can raise our productivity levels in the professional environment, perhaps not everyone knows (or agrees) about it. In the video above, I comment on insecurity x confidence and that those who are more insecure by nature have greater difficulty concentrating because many of their thoughts are tied to their worries and anxieties. On the other hand, those who are highly confident can be more productive since they can focus more on the present moment for their work because they are more focused, more balanced, and confident in themselves.
According to studies conducted at Stanford University – the practice of gratitude helps not only on increasing of self-esteem and reducing insecurity, but also in social self-worth and increased interest in being useful again in the future, for gratitude generates gratitude, whether individually or as a team. In other words, the sense of being socially valued, according to the studies, was instrumental in encouraging participants to provide more support to others in the future. Moreover, expressions of gratitude also spread out to other colleagues, suggesting that a chain of pro-social behavior can be unleashed with a simple act of gratitude. In general, the research says that appreciation can have important implications for encouraging actions that promote cooperation and consequently increase individual and team productivity.
Moreover, we have seeing a growing number of surveys that confirm that gratitude is beneficial not only to health, but to high professional performance. According to Emiliana Simon-Thomas, Director of Science at the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California – Berkeley, the practice of gratitude leads to feelings of trust, security, and social connection. These feelings, she says, “can help people move from stressful states to more relaxed ones.” Research shows that a regular practice of gratitude, such as keeping a thank-you journal or writing thank-you letters, is associated with decreased blood pressure and improved sleep duration and quality – all essential for health, athletic recovery, and professional performance.
Thus, regular gratitude practice can greatly enhance your ability to raise your productivity.
And how about you? Are you in a process of professional and personal evolution? Shouldn’t you “roll up the sleeves” and start practicing my daily suggestion of gratitude? What’s holding you back? If I practice – as you watched in the video – you too can do it! Let’s practice – do we have a deal!?
This article was first published in Portuguese in this bilingual website; it is a free translation from its original version. The author Fernanda Alem is a Brazilian Lawyer (LL. M., B.U. Law), International Consultant (D.C. Bar, Brazilian Law), Professor and Speaker, with 20+ years of practice Brazil – USA, and currently works as Leader Coach & Mentor (In and Out of the Law). Fernanda assists individuals and organizations, in person or online, maximizing their growth potential through integrated practices and innovative tools in Coaching, Leadership Training and Mentoring. Fernanda manages her business Brain U Coaching and hosts its YT channel,with weekly videos and local and international series, all in a bilingual set. You can reach the author by Skype @coachfernandaalem or by E-mail: