Coaching Q&A: your questions answered

Those who know me understand how much I value their investment because – after all – I am one of you and there is no better thing than making informed decisions.
So, for those who want to start a professional and personal development process with me, I always have the option of a preliminary chat (courtesy call) of about 30/40 minutes. But sometimes, the questions are so many, that the time gets short (laughs) to answer them all. Let me get clear here: I have no problem scheduling a follow-up to continue our chat, but I figured out it would be easier for all to share here with you the 4 (four) most recurring questions.
Join me now!
1️⃣ Is Coaching a tool?
No, certainly not! Coaching is a dynamic, investigative process of self-knowledge and deeply evolutionary path, with a beginning, middle and an end trail, that gives you options to be the best you can be, in the shortest possible time and with the support of innovative tools and with the guide of a professional in coaching (On this, I have free videos on my YT channel in much more detail, and you can also take a look at this video here (subtitles in English – please activate the CC icon on your device).
2️⃣ What are the most commonly used tool in a coaching process?
I provide various Coaching supporting tools, from assessments of your behavioral profile (and its respective returns) and questionnaires based on the S.W.O.T. analysis, among others – to techniques in mental control, mindset shift and NLP. Of course, everything must be used on a case-by-case basis, and in practice, everyone can apply in their reality what makes the most sense at a given moment, because I must clarify that everything in Coaching is focused on this given moment, and there is no right or wrong answer.
Now, one of the tools I particularly like and I have had an incredible feedback in the testimonials from my clientes is #Mindfulness practice (I share a short video here (please activate the CC icon for English subtitles) and I also have an online course available on my website, which is already in the 4th edition – and you can certainly join me for this coming year!), which helps reducing stress and anxiety levels and at the same time increase the levels of productivity of everyone practicing it (yes – you gotta practice to see results!). Credits: M.B.S.R., by Jon Kabat-Zinn.
And last, but not least, I have to mention here the synchronicity with the #Heartfulness technique (feelings that emanate from the mind-heart connection, and everything that returns to us in various ways through experiences linked to life and work. This is surely a tool very connected with quantum physics and life coaching to support your career evolution). See? there is no right or wrong… there are just an array of possibilities to take you to the next level in coaching. How better can this be?
Honestly, it just depend on your dedication…
When it comes to high performance coaching and mindset adjustment for you to be your best version, we cannot forget the age-old Hawaiian technique of #Hooponopono which also comes to complement the process as a support tool in cleaning up memories of the subconscious mind – how fantastic! After all, we can only focus on the new when we take 💯% responsibility for our actions and omissions, in all areas of life, cleaning up what no longer serves us – to than, focus on co-creating the new in our lives. I am sure all this information will “hit it” – you, somehow! (Credits: Limite Zero, by Joe Vitale).
3️⃣ And how difficult is this process?
Everything is very particular considering the reality of each one … but you want a tip? You just need to want it (badly) and act towards it! Through coaching we are gradually getting out of our “status quo” (see here this video: Leaving the Comfort Zone – subtitles in English) and making progress, considering – again – your degree of engagement in the process and the number of sessions hired.
Usually, we go by a 10-sessions-package as a rule of thumb, but I always like to understand your specific needs and your expectations about the process, so to then put together a specific work plan that fits best for you. On this, I offer a preliminary call as a courtesy to anyone who is committed to their own success! You can schedule it here.
4️⃣ Can you even make a difference in my path?
I answer this by questioning you back: Are you ready for some change and success?
I count on national and international training and specializations at the highest level, and besides the “word of mouth” of clients and partners who do not let me alone here, I can assure you that I love what I do and getting you out of your comfort zone is my specialty! Now, more important than all of this: I believe in you, I understand that each one has its own pace, I know that we are all evolving, and that I am sharing multicultural tools, and I myself went through Coaching and mentoring processes in my career and life, because I know we’re better when we’re surrounded by the best – so what’s missing for you to come with me? Because I know that together we can go further!
Now – my personal invitation for you for this end of the year is??? Take the reins of your life in 2019 – it’s more than time now! And look up for 1) individual (or corporate) coaching or mentoring options with me by 2019 and be one of my coachees and/or mentees of success; or go check it out 2) the online courses and lessons scheduled on the website, and be one of my growing and sustainable success trainees! So, what are you waiting for? Come with me! It’s the right time!
Coach Fe Alem
Note: this article was first published (as an English version of its original in Portuguese) at Pulse-LinkedIn.Adjustments were made to fit this website. All rights reserved 2016-2018 – Brain U Coaching.