Professional Development and Positive Leadership: What do you need to know?

Getting to know yourself more and better, valuing yourself and practicing healthy habits is part of an action plan for any high-performance professional in the corporate world.
When we align the power of self-knowledge with professional growth, we need to put into practice the positive leadership management model, which basically focuses on developing the best in each person, highlighting the strengths of each professional on the team, and valuing flexibility, communication assertiveness, and the mental and socio-relational security of each individual, and always looking at each situation from the point of view of integration (systems thinking – which is a way of understanding the complexity of the world looking at it in terms of interconnected wholes and relationships, instead of dividing it into parts) making work and life in general complement each other, with a focus on innovation, motivation and an effective (interconnected) search for better results.
Therefore, I bring below two important points, so that you can apply them in your reality when it comes to professional development and positive leadership:
1. Valuing strengths in your leadership: practicing habits that promote the leader’s self-esteem and engagement on a daily basis, highlighting their talents and differentials, bringing out the best in each one, and a more harmonious and successful whole. Good managers focus their efforts on developing and improving the best potential of each one, working from mapping individual behavioral profiles to inclusive team practices, and making these teams true models of high performance.
A quick and interesting practice to activate this starting point of positive leadership in your journey, I share with you here:
a) let go of what you have been told in the past and that no longer serves you;
b) stop trying to get others to like you at all costs; and yes:
c) focus your energy, imagining, for example, what those who truly like you would say – today – about you, and start valuing your strengths more, understanding what makes you different in your career/profession. This simple practice, if done consistently, will bring you good benefits. Practice it!
2. Effective communication and belonging: making room for inter (and intra) connection in their teams makes it easier for each leader to join the team with a greater sense of belonging and, consequently, feel freer to participate in an environment that stimulates the construction of ideas and favors innovation. Thus, clear, transparent, innovative and effective communication acts here as another pillar within positive leadership and professional development in leadership. Remember that we are all in process of development, and the most important thing here is to observe your reality, and understand that there is no such thing as perfection, much less a “ready recipe”, but rather, a path of daily practices, forming good habits, and the start with what you have at your fingertips today, in the here and now. So, if you still don’t communicate very well in public, for example, start with small steps and small exercises to develop yourself, improving your communication, one day after another, with focus and determination.
A good question you can use here: How can you be more involved in your company/firm’s communication activities? What is your contribution, however small it may seem, in this regard? Could you do it a little differently (no better, nor worse, just adjustments compared to what you’ve done so far)?
Believe me, seeing yourself included in your corporate system, as an active collaborator, can “move mountains” and take you to the next step of your success and your company’s success.
It doesn’t hurt to try – do you agree with me!?
Now, of course this subject would require a long chat and many lines written about it, but my objective here is just to bring you to the present moment, with this reflection, so that you truly understand that the main starting point within the framework of positive leadership, in regards to your professional development, is to start by valuing your strengths, putting them in your favor, in your reality, and believing that you can make it happen, perhaps with just a few small adjustments (or several, as the case may be), always considering one step after another, one day after the other, in a constant and integrated way, towards the best of your progress (individual and corporate).
If this content made sense to you, and you want to keep following my work, let’s do it and thrive together! And if you now want to take the next step forward, I suggest starting your integrated development through my online and interactive courses through the Udemy platform.
Will you join me!?