Are you transitioning jobs? Tell Compelling Stories to Stand Out

You probably have heard that being a storyteller is a must-have skill today. And yes, it is. Most importantly – and the basis of this article – is for you to be able to convert this storytelling skill into something valuable to your career, from your resume and job interview, to your career growth – as well as your life path of excellence.
One recent article from Harvard Business Review explores this topic so well, and brings to the table a few nice examples too: “Improve Your Resume by Turning Bullet Points into Stories”.
When you come to me to work on your career transition, or when firms hire me for their outplacement coaching and mentoring trainings, I first begin by assessing my client’s current moment within the 5 pillars of a work-life integration, which is: mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical self-awareness, coupled with their social-relational skills. Watch this video here: (activate the CC icon on your device for English subtitles: “Self-transformation: do I really get to change?”).
Most professionals understand firsthand why I work this way. Including your communication’s skills development, from the inside out, helps to improve your own self-worth to reflect on your storytelling when transitioning jobs or careers. And yes, we are talking about self-esteem and self-branding here too.
One of the main questions I suggest you ask yourself when entering the ups and downs of your career transitioning, is:
. Who am I today? Not yesterday, not tomorrow… just today.
. What is your brand story?
. How can you stand out in today’s busy marketplace?
. Do you believe in yourself?
. How do you tell your story?
What just a few people understand is that telling a compelling story and standing out from the crowd must be genuine, filled with truth, self-trust and self-worth. And this, sometimes, requires a dose of training, be it in coaching or mentoring; or yet in some cases – depending on your discipline level – a self-training course like this one I just released on Udemy. This e-learning has support materials and virtual lessons all meant to work with you on the 5 pillars I mentioned in the beginning of this article, towards releasing your fears and reaching your goals faster.
Now that we got clear with all of these, some pieces of powerful, compelling stories for you to stand out from the crowd are:
. Always be genuine and tell the truth, no matter what;
. Tap into people’s feelings and emotions – your story has to connect with your audience;
. Share: why are you here? Telling people you are here to make a difference makes all the difference.
I know it can be overwhelming, but just take one step at a time, and tell me now: Are you transitioning jobs or careers? What is holding you back from telling YOUR story and stand out from the crowd?
Author: Fernanda Cristina Alem Freitas, co-founder of Brain U Coaching. Originally published on LinkedIn.