Leadership Coaching and Management by Competences

What a joy to share with you the newest 2022 online course (available now in Portuguese): Leadership Coaching and Management by Competences, certified by Udemy platform.
What is the focus of this transformational course?
Understand the leadership styles valued in the new corporate era, and what behaviors are expected of each professional in the job market.
With practical interactions, cases from the market, and everything organized in dynamic classes and specific exercises, the invitation comes for you to review past situations and behaviors and access your current moment, focusing on where you want to go (self-knowledge in practice with IKIGAI support tool), also understanding your style of leadership (leadership styles), and understanding what the market asks for, punctuating which are the crucial skills (most required competences) for a career of growing and sustainable success in a market of rapid changes.
To stand out in the corporate environment, pay attention to how you communicate with everyone around you (clear, more horizontal, humanized and effective communication), have a greater vision of where you want to go (strategic planning of goals), and what is your model (definition of mindset), adding value not only to you and your career and life path, but also to your team, and most of all, to your own business and market niche, says Coach-Mentor Fe Alem, who brings this course as an advancement for her base self-training online course at Udemy: Results Coaching.
Working with selected materials from years of experience in the local and international market, this course, in a dynamic self-training format, brings a fundamental reflection: What needs to be adjusted and/or improved in your reality – so that it can be a contribution to your environment corporate governance, while still contributing to your own lasting and growing success?
Understand that everything needs to be analyzed, planned and executed for effective and positive change to happen is a must. Thus, the work here happens with multicultural support tools that guide you towards your new level in career and life, helping you to focus on your development within a clear and structured schedule, including practical and easy to assimilate exercises.
Based on the Law of Equilibrium, within the systemic laws (content brought by the German Bert Hellinger) students reflect on the
– Structured feedback,
– Develop crucial skills such as discipline in delivery,
– Foster humanized relationships, and
– Be a developer of new projects, so that you work consciously to structure and leverage your career in the corporate environment, with greater balance.
One of the important points to understand, in this self-training course, is highlighted here: how managers and the recruitment and people’s selection sectors think and act in this segment, and how to work with the power of management by competence, will take you to the next level in your career.
Your time has come: transform your leadership with this online self-training Leadership Coaching, in practice, today!
Will you join me!?
Fe Alem