I want to take some time as this year ends, and show a deep gratitude to all of you who – somehow, along with your busy schedules – appreciated my posts during this past year – be it by reading it, commenting on it, sharing it, or liking it. It matters the world to me!
So, let me now write this THANK YOU NOTE to YOU, my dear friends – of near and far – and wish you and families the happiest of holidays and a joyous and prosperous New Year!
This post (here is an easy access to all my 2016 articles) intends to work as a reminder that each one of us must take charge and be the powerful, honest and kind leader we want to see in the world.
So, I invite you to imagine for a moment…IMAGINE IT! How each one of us could make this New Year a memorable one? Perhaps by taking even more responsibility of our own lives – adjusting our thinking (to one of a growth mindset rather than one of a fixed mindset)? Perhaps also by leading by example (aligning our thoughts, words and acts)?
I am positive that each one of us can make today a better training than yesterday: remember – it truly begins with our own thinking, words and attitudes. Are you being true to yourself, your career, your pals – and ultimately – to your own life?
Let’s remember that recent neuroscience studies show that we can see clearer messages when we are in alignment with the three parts of our being: our mind, our body and our soul. Are you in charge? So, please – while you are reading these lines – take a minute (and remember my early suggestions on Mindfulness practice): pause what you are doing, breathe deeply and allow yourself to be in the moment (with as less judgement as you can) and with one step after another I am sure it will be easier to progress, to practice, to experience, to expand – and yes, to succeed!
Now, chat one more time with me during this holiday season: Are you ready to take full responsibility for your THINKING (working towards positive thoughts and positive leadership), VERBAL and NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION (trying it – perhaps several times if necessary – before you go public) and ATTITUDES in life (getting better sleeping, meal habits, and work-life balance, for instance)? Your answer must be YES. And making it crystal clear: I believe in YOU and I am proud of how far you have come! Now, CHEERS TO NEW BEGINNINGS WITH A GROWTH MINDSET! HAPPY NEW YEAR!