As you evolve in your career and new business opportunities and clients join you, it is crucial for you to acknowledge past mistakes and learn from it, living your day to day by the fundamentals of a growth mindset, an ever evolving mindset that allows you to improve your abilities through dedication and practice, moving forward towards great accomplishments, building up resilience, better strategies, among others abilities, as the best seller author Carol Dweck teaches us on her book Mindset. You may also watch my video on this topic here (subtitles in English):
On that, reassuring your team mates, your clients and especially yourself daily about how your values, abilities and continuous efforts towards the achievement of higher levels of performance (in businesses and in life) in a mindful and calm way, it is key to your sustainable success and that of your business too. In other words, keeping a clear, positive, open-minded and genuine self-talking always aiming at a more assertive and balanced communication in all your H2H business models will only direct you to higher standards and more rewarding paths.
At that time, I have asked you, readers, whether you were ready for THE MODEL H2H: INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS AND ITS SUCCESS IN BUSINESS. And I now ask you again: Are you ready?
When it comes to interpersonal relationships in the corporate world, you have probably heard expressions within Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Consumer (B2C) marketing models, and most recently the H2H (Human-to-Human model), which presents itself today as a base model of success in the business world. Why?
Because interpersonal relationships have always been important in any organization and today, more than ever, when the focus is on getting, generating and maintaining clients, the basis of good business is genuine interpersonal relationships, undoubtedly linked to the relationship we maintain internally, with ourselves. Let’s reflect together on that, in the next paragraph.
First, it is important to ask yourself: Do you know yourself? Do you know your audience? Truly? Much of the insight within the H2H model is due to a reflection of how our society behaves today: the constant connection of social networks, tablets, WA groups, e-mails and the Internet as a whole, and the illusion that we participate all the time in each other’s lives, including in the lives of our colleagues, clients, friends, families, and so on. On top of this scenario of relationship and modern behavior, the concept of the H2H business marketing model is based on the idea that the professional relationship resembles, and often mixes, with the personal relationship, bringing a growing and constant need to focus on the good customer service, to be “good” with our direct and indirect connections; which – in short – means to put the human being first, that is: you, me, each of us in the center of the business.
Let’s just go a bit further on this: How do you deal with your relationships today? How do you treat yourself? Remember that it is essential for you to be well, in balance, to listen with a mindfulness attitude when someone addresses to you, and then to respond assertively, not simply as in “autopilot” mode. It does make sense, right? So, it is very important to be in a good harmony and to know ourselves (here I speak directly of self-knowledge – to come in connection with our strengths, our areas of improvements, our values, needs, motivators) to create and experience a powerful creative energy, day after day, focusing on the best for each of us, that will certainly be echoed, ultimately, in our relationships and consequently in good business.
Then, we can safely say that being good to and with oneself, reassuring your values, goals and past mistakes in a constant growth mindset effort, is key to success in today’s world, because, in the end, it is the first step in creating and maintaining a genuine, strong, and valuable interpersonal relationship based on the H2H model in your professional career.
Do you agree? How is your relationship with yourself? And with your peers, friends, current and potential clients? Ask yourself, truly: Are you already behaving with focus on the H2H business model? If so, congratulations! And if not, what is it that is lacking in your behavior and abilities patterns, so you can reassure yourself you can do it, one step after another? Because just remember: to aim higher, reassurance and growth mindset are keystones in today’s H2H business model.