Building a successful legal career requires more than just a skill; it demands strategic planning, impactful communication, and purpose-driven leadership.
Fernanda Cristina Alem Freitas was once again invited to act as an International Judge at the TIC Americas 2021 event.
The Americas Talent and Innovation Competition (TIC Americas) has been organized by the Young Americas Business Trust (YABT) since 2007.
Our founder Fernanda Cristina Alem Freitas, in co- authorship with our Mentor for the European Union, João Miguel Oliveira Cotrim, collaborated for the 3rd Edition of the Global Business Journal of Responsibility, Sustainability and Good Governance, by Enlaw Portal of
The Young Americas Business Trust (YABT), an international non-profit organization that works in cooperation with the Organization of American States (OAS), with the aim of promoting the social and economic development of young people in the Western Hemisphere through a
Our leader Fe Alem, who is a Member of the first-ever USTA Florida Leadership Academy, in the United States, is featured in the Academy’s Team in the January/February – 2020 issue (printed edition, page 3 of USTA FL Section), at
Fernanda Alem has received a special invitation from the CEO of Young Americas Business Trust (YABT) to participate as a guest speaker for the Online Business Opportunity Training Camp (Bootcamp), and as an international judge at the Final Stage of
Article published at the Brazilian media “Papo com elas” (in Portuguese): More responsibility for your actions and less judgment: will that be the recipe for happiness?
Taking responsibility for our actions with full awareness and at the same time diminishing
When I was invited to join “The Lawyer of the Week” series, I knew that my work was reaching new heights, moving forward into the international market. What an honor and happiness it is to share with you all the
Article published in Portuguese. Se fôssemos apostar no lugar comum, diríamos que grandes corporações enxergam as startups como ameaça. Seguiríamos então afirmando que toda startup quer destruir os modelos de negócio de grandes corporações.