Building a successful legal career requires more than just a skill; it demands strategic planning, impactful communication, and purpose-driven leadership.
Our founder Fernanda Cristina Alem Freitas, in co- authorship with our Mentor for the European Union, João Miguel Oliveira Cotrim, collaborated for the 3rd Edition of the Global Business Journal of Responsibility, Sustainability and Good Governance, by Enlaw Portal of
Article published at the Brazilian media “Papo com elas” (in Portuguese): More responsibility for your actions and less judgment: will that be the recipe for happiness?
Taking responsibility for our actions with full awareness and at the same time diminishing
Article published in Portuguese. Se fôssemos apostar no lugar comum, diríamos que grandes corporações enxergam as startups como ameaça. Seguiríamos então afirmando que toda startup quer destruir os modelos de negócio de grandes corporações.