In today’s video (in Portuguese), entitled: “2025-2026: How to Achieve Your Plans?”, I discuss the importance of planning and accomplishing what we set out to do.
I invite you to review a few key points and step into the New
In today’s video, “Guide to the Effectiveness of Your Business Plan”, Coach-Mentor Fe Alem discusses the importance of coaching-mentoring and/or online courses to boost professional growth from your current situation, considering your mission, values, and needs.
By setting goals
Welcome to our Youtube Channel, and enjoy our content in #Coaching #Mentoring and #Leadership.
Let’s thrive together!?
Navigating in today’s job market requires crucial skills such as SOFT SKILLS and HARD SKILLS.
In this video lesson, I share practical tips and support exercises with a detailed step-by-step, in a brief career mentorship so that you can develop
Because it all begins with ourselves.
Follow our short videos on our Youtube Channel for this video, and many more…
And let’s keep thriving together!
I bring in this practical audio an anti-stress support tool, based on mindfulness, an attitude of gratitude, focus and a growth mindset; all produced in the form of a quick exercise and integrated in 3 phases.
Will you join
Be present in the now, sure needs to be developed. How is your #focus today?
Watch this video in full and learn with practical tips on how to develop focus and appreciation to have a better life-work balance.
What have you prioritized?
Putting your energy into making it happen, focusing on action, it can help you achieve better results in 2022. Will you join me in this video?
I help you here, in practice, and through international
We all want to belong, from our movements in the family or at work, consciously or unconsciously. In this video, I talk a little about our choices for 2022: do you want to judge less? Want to be happier? How
And my wish at the end of 2021 and at the beginning of the New Year is that my message makes a lot of sense in your reality, helping you in this movement of being your best version in 2022,