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In this series of 8 videos, Leader Coach & Mentor Fernanda Alem answers questions from clients and followers. In this episode 2 the topic is reverse mentoring and collaborative leadership.
Send your questions
I played competitive junior tennis in Brazil for a few years, and today I am pleased to have both of my children in the same game. And in that line of one thing pulls the other, recently my former Coach
Our special guest at our February series Brain U Talks is Brazilian Lawyer Leandro Pesoti Netto, graduated by the Law University of Franca, in Brazil, an expert in international business Law by the Université Paris II and he holds an
Let’s talk about positive leadership and Feedback? Watch this video (10) of the Brain U Rides series. We count on you to share, leave a comment and give it a like. You can follow us on social media too (Insta/Face/LinkedIn)
How is your accountability in connection with your team? Watch this video (9) of the Brain U Rides for tips on a successful leadership behavior in connection with the competence accountability and behavior in teams. We count on you to
How is your level of proactivity? Watch video (8) of the Brain U Rides for tips on a successful leadership behavior in connection with the competence proactivity. We count on you to share, leave a comment and give it a
Have you thought about what kind of situations, things and people you are allowing to enter in your life? Leadership and positive mindset permission flow together for a successful life – do you agree? Watch video (6) of the Brain
Watch this mini video for the next in-house Workshop that I will present in September in Sao Paulo, Brazil, an event made possible by the Law Firm Viseu Advogados, and that I am honored to be a part of it.
“Leader vs. Boss “: Today our subject is about leadership. Watch this week’s video to link to your reality and your daily behaviors, decisions and actions. Are you a leader or a boss?
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